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PotD Chest Contents by Floor

Click a column or legend entry to display finds by floor statistics. Click a floorset line or select from the dropdown below to display chest content statistics for that floorset.



  • This is based mostly on data I [Daleven] collected from my own runs and supplemented with a few runs from Angelus Demonus VODs. The data for floors 181+ and 191+ is likely to be a bit off as at this time, it's only based on about 530 chests from 181-189 and about 420 from 191-199. Data for floors 1-179 is based on 1000-2000 chests per set, so should be more accurate.
  • Distribution of chest types (gold/silver/bronze) is based on non-drops on floors where I opened all chests or at least saw all rooms to know what was on the floor. Drops were not included, as there is some collection bias and I do not record drop types if I don't collect. I do record chest types for non-drops even if I don't collect them, as long as I saw them
  • Distribution of chest types dropped seems to be the same as non-drops.
  • Distribution of contents within dropped chests seems to be the same as non-drops, so dropped chests were included for determining distribution of chest contents per chest type.
  • Floors 1-6 are separated from 7-9 because there are several items that only start appearing at floor 7. Affluence, flight, and alteration do not drop on the 9th floor of each set from 1-99, but those floors are not separated in the above data. As a result, the first 8 floors of each set have a slightly higher drop chance for these 3 items than shown above to account for the 9th floor not dropping them at all.

HoH Chest Contents by Floor

Click a column or legend entry to display finds by floor statistics. Click a floorset line or select from the dropdown below to display chest content statistics for that floorset.



  • This is based on data I [Daleven] collected from my own runs only. The data for floors 91+ is likely to be a bit off as at this time, it's only based on about 750 chests. Data for floors 1-89 is based on 1400-3000 chests per set, so should be more accurate.
  • Distribution of chest types (gold/silver/bronze) is based on non-drops on floors where I opened all chests or at least saw all rooms to know what was on the floor. Drops were not included, as there is some collection bias and I do not record drop types if I don't collect. I do record chest types for non-drops even if I don't collect them, as long as I saw them.
  • Distribution of chest types dropped seems to be the same as non-drops
  • Distribution of contents within dropped chests seems to be the same as non-drops, so dropped chests were included for determining distribution of chest contents per chest type.
  • Floors 1-6 are separated from 7-9 because there are several items that only start appearing at floor 7. Affluence, flight, and alteration do not drop on floors 9, 19, 29, 39, or 49, but those floors are not separated in the above data. As a result, floors 21-28 have a slightly higher drop chance for these 3 items than shown above to account for floor 29 not dropping them at all.

Drop Rates

Palace of the Dead

Enemy Type Normal Fortuned
Drops Kills Rate (%) Drops Kills Rate (%)

Heaven on High

Enemy Type Normal Fortuned
Drops Kills Rate (%) Drops Kills Rate (%)


  • Drop rate does not seem to vary by floor.
  • Based on the data, I'd guess that Pomander of Fortune increases drop rate from all enemies by roughly 12-13%
  • I have very little data on PotD special mobs since they are very rare. As such, those numbers aren't likely to be accurate.

Alteration Effects

Palace of the Dead

Floorset Mimics % Mimics Korrigans % Korrigans

Heaven on High

Floorset Mimics % Mimics Korrigans % Korrigans


  • I don't have a lot of data on this as it depends on alteration drops and usage. Based on the data so far, I'm guessing it's the same for every floor, and either 50/50 or slightly in favour of korrigans. Sets where it's far from 50/50 mostly have very little data. It looks like I've been pretty lucky on HoH 81+ though!
  • The counts here are the number of times alteration produced mimics or korrigans - not the count of how many were in the room.